Article originally published in Free Press Journal.

In our search for happiness, we always focus on the big things in life. However, no matter how good those big things make us feel, the happiness is short-lived, the happiness fades gradually. These big events or things don’t happen daily. We have the liberty to be happy by looking at little things which occur more in number, or we can say daily. We tend to overlook these little things without realising that these little things play an important role in nourishing our body, mind and soul. These little things bring real and lasting happiness. In today’s world, it has become even more important to appreciate the little things which give us happiness.
If you are not sure how to go about finding happiness in small little things, work on the following. By practising the habits mentioned below you would start inviting happiness into your heavily scheduled life.
Being Mindful
Live in the present moment. Notice the small things which bring a smile to your face, this could be by watering your plants in the morning or crashing into a bed with fresh sheets. When you look back at these moments you may realise that these were really big moments during that period of life.
Being Grateful
Expressing gratitude for things that you have makes you feel better and happier. Gratitude is known to show positive effects on your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. This reduces the stress, allowing you to have a good sleep, positively impacting the next day.
Being Kind
Helping others makes us feel happy. Being kind to everyone around you whether family, friends, neighbours even strangers deepen the relationship and gives more meaning to your life. You could notice that when you are being kind or help someone there is a pleasant smile on your face.
Being Your Own Friend
As mentioned in the previous point that being kind to others makes us happy, being kind to yourself is equally important. Treat yourself daily as you would treat your very close friend whom you have met after years. Spend some exclusive time with you, pamper yourself with a hot chocolate, accept your imperfections. Love yourself unconditionally.